The Lumby Lions Club was incorporated on November 4th 1947. Our mission is to serve our citizens and community.
Membership in our club brings more awareness of our community and we have fun!
It’s fun to be a part of our group, helping in our community, raising funds and enjoying social activities.
We Meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm at the Lumby Legion 2016 Miller Street Lumby BC.
Attending meetings it not mandatory.

The Lumby Lions has 23 active members and is currently seeking new members of ALL ages to join our club. As a Lion you can help our community in so many different ways. You can do as much or as little as you want.
Our annual fees are $40.00 single and $60.00 for a couple.
Contact our membership chair Bev Lawrence at (250) 547-1437 to attend a meeting and receive a free dinner!